Follow Juno's Puppies & Their Families !

The story of Juno and her one day old family of 11 puppies who were found deserted on a property in Perris without food or water, stirred much attention in the local San Diego media as well as the hearts of pet-lovers across the world. Juno and pups were taken by animal control officers to the shelter where SCGSR stepped in and helped this family grow and thrive. Juno, although terribly thin at first, managed to keep her puppies fat and healthy to the delight of the hundreds of cyber aunts and uncles who followed their story and watched them online daily.

As Juno's puppies enter the next stage of their lives, leaving foster mom & dad (Joe & Lisa) for their forever homes, they continue to share their individual adventures here in this blog for all of their fans and extended family to enjoy until they reunite at their 1-year reunion :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The journey home begins for Jedi, Scarlett & Kelly

Things are a bit quieter these days and cyber-aunties/uncles are suffering from a bit of that empty nest syndrome. The webcam is still on at Joe and Lisa's home but only 4 puppies are on and it seems that most of the time they are hiding somewhere. The remaining 4 puppies are at a separate foster home as they await their adoptions. That leaves us with 3 puppies who have taken off on their new journeys with their new families.

On Sunday, October 25th Jedi went home with his new family. Mom and son came to pick up the spunky pup that we have all grown to love. As he was held in his new mommy's arms Jedi made sure to reach over and give a few wet kisses to his new little master too. We will miss him but we know he will be well cared for.
See Video Here:

Next to go was none other than our mischievous miss Scarlett. Who can forget her escape from the pen and many other tricks!? She is a sweetheart and it was clear from the faces of her new parents that they already love her to pieces. Scarlett was unusually calm in her new mommy's arms as she waited to go home. Her adoptive parents promised her cyber-family that they would take good care of her and that her big doggie-brother would also help. We hope to hear from Scarlett soon and learn about her new mischiefs at her forever home.
See Video Here:

Last but not least in the weekend adoptions was Kelly. Kelly's new family includes a young boy and girl who appeared thrilled to share many playful hours with their new pup. The family fell in love with Kelly due to his calm temperament and extra extra sweetness; for those very same reasons we too will miss him dearly. We hope Kelly will enjoy his new family and that he drops us a line every now and then.
See Video Here:

Also, we hope that our new adoptive families learn of this blog and that they join in actively participating as authors, so that we, the cyber aunties and uncles can continue to monitor our loved puppies' growth and exciting new stories. We believe that Juno and her puppies are incredibly special and their story is one we would like to continue hearing and celebrating. Through this blog we can all begin the next leg of the journey; "From Adoption To 1-Year Reunion!"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What do you think?

Hi fans of Juno and Pups!

Assuming that the puppies forever parents are interested, we hope that this blog can become a place for us to keep in touch with them and learn of their exciting adventures and milestones with their new families.

Since the pups have not been adopted yet, it is too soon to tell how successful our blog will be; but in the meantime please feel free to express your thoughts, opinions, suggestions about this new venture.
